Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Black Death: Spreading the Disease

Italian traders came to Rome from China, (where the pandemic originally started) in China, it was unusually dry and so the rats, were dying. Well where were the fleas supposed to go? On humans of course! Once the Italian traders that were bit by fleas got back to Italy they were very sick and most of them were dead. They weren’t allowed to get off the ship, but that didn’t matter because the rats and fleas were already off the ship and had made it safely into Italy. The fleas would infect almost everyone.  Traders would leave to go overseas and spread it to other countries without meaning to. You could also get the disease by touching the remaining belongings of the ones who dies of the plague. It was estimated that 800 people a day died. Usually, you died 48 hours after first showing symptoms of the disease. Wonderful. ß (sarcasm)
The plague originally started on a ship like this!


ShaneA6 said...

That's a pretty fast death rate. I sure wouldn't want to have the plague.

TMeek6 said...

Wow! I would hate to know that I would die in 2 days after I got the disease. 800 people dying a day is a lot.