After the last major outburst of plague happened, the value of gold decreased. This made it so that there was no demand for goods and services because no one could buy food except the rich. Fair right? Good thing today we have people who give up their food for other people. Anyway, the value of gold went back up and made labor and service VERY valuable. It’s disgusting that people can’t do their own work, but I guess it’s not my place to say anything. At least the slaves asked for more money and moved to places with more opportunities to work. Psh, I would’ve, but get this; the government made laws AGAINST the peasants raising their prices or moving! This resulted in the Peasants Revolt of 1381. DOWN WITH THE GOVERNMENT!! Yea! Only problem? They um, lost.

^^Peasant Revolt of 1831^^
Another cause for the Revolt was that after the plague, the peasants that survived thought they were special and chosen by God to live. They thought He had to have a reason to keep them alive, and because of that they were gaining confidence and power. Obviously it was not enough. The revolt failed and peasants went back to being the lowest social class. Poor peasants. Literally.
1 comment:
The pesants lost but they got to live. That's ironic.
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